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Final Book Choices


Things you get to choose for the final product are:


Link to Final Choices Form:

LInk to Google Doc help:


1. Name of Missionary

2. Address where book will be sent

3. Book Title (40 max characters) - Name of missionary, where they served, clever title, etc. 

4. Subtitle (40 max characters) - Name of mission, dates of mission served, etc. 

5. Foreword (550 max characters) - This is the dedication page where you can add a favorite scripture, quote, or letter from family (see pic for example). This is on the inside of the book after the photo wall intro. 

6. Would you like a Photo Wall Intro? - This will take random photos throughout your book to make a photo collage, not in any order (this is over a two page spread) in front of the book. 

7. Book Cover (see link at top of form to find cover choices) 

8. Would you like Monthly Page Inserts?

9 I have sent the cover pictures to Taylor in an email! (DON'T FORGET)

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