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Important Details - The Fine Print



~If there are any emojis in weekly emails, I will have to take them out.  For whatever reason, the book printing company's program that intakes all the data interprets all emoji's as a picture, and will therefore print each emoji as an actual photo and place it with all the photos for that week.  This is something I can't change unfortunately.  So, just know that I'll have to take all emoji's out of weekly letters/emails.


~ Books can't contain more than 430 pages for one book.  If there are more photos and text that go over this limit, there will need to be another book created which will result in a second book cost. One Sister's album I recently completed fit into one album.  Another Elder's books was not able to all fit in one album (long letters and lots of photos), so I did 2 books, and split them up as year 1 and year 2. They do look awesome!  But know you'll just need to pay for a 2nd book.  I could possibly go back into your book and delete photos to keep it within the parameters of one book, but that will take a long time and be very hard for me to choose what photos to delete. Printing two books will be best. I am not able to know if one or two albums will be needed until the very end when it comes time to pick your final choices.  I will let you know then if two books will be required.


~ In order to not have to create multiple books for one mission, it will help to stay under an average of no more than 10 photos per week. Approximately 1,150 photos total per book are allowed, and depending on how much text can make it tricky to stay in one album. (If you only sent me 5 one week, that would leave more for another week.  Make sense?) Please pick the best photos!  But if you don't mind possibly purchasing 2 books (I usually split them up first 1/2 of mission on one book, second 1/2 of mission in second book) because you would like all the possible content your missionary sends, then no worries, send it all to me!


~I do not have the capability to reformat, move pictures, or move text to specific places on pages in the created book.  When the company uploads all of my organized content, it then puts it all into their program.  In this program it does not allow me to move anything around on the inside pages. Just know I can't move things around on the pages themselves. I do, however, have 4 layouts you can look at.  I will send you samples so you can see what these look like. When you pick a layout, I will send you proofs (pictures) to look at to approve. 

~If I don't receive your monthly payment, I can't keep up on your book.  As soon as I receive payment, I will resume working on it! If you choose to stop payments, and no longer want to continue with my service, I cannot offer you any refunds.  I've already put in the work, even if for any reason you don't want to continue to the printing phase.


~ When the book is ordered/printed, it's final.  I can make minor changes to additional copies, only if additional books are purchased at a separate time.


~ After your book is printed, I can only hold your book on my digital file for 3-6 months.  After 3-6 months from print date, it will be deleted.


~I will honestly do my absolute best at making sure the content I upload from the letters and pictures you send are in order and correct, and that if I'm editing, that what I change is correct, in information, as well as spelling, in the content that I add.  I strive to pay attention to details and get out all correct.  But please remember that I'm human and not perfect.♡


~I can get customer service help from the book company, if there's an error on their part as far as how the book was printed or if there was damage to a book in the shipping process (very rare for either to happen, they are such a good company).  I will just need pictures from you to show the company so they know how they can help remedy the problem.  The very few times I've had a problem with a book, and it's their fault, they send out another copy asap for no additional cost.


Questions? Email me at

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