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Post Mission Book Pricing


For a Post Mission Book I require the 1st payment (half of the total) to start creating your book, then the remaining 2nd payment (remaining half of the total) when I've started creating the 2nd half of their mission.  Before printing you'll get to pick some final options for the book, and I'll send you proofs of covers and some pages to view for approval. Then you'll send me the payment for the book itself (price based however many pages it comes out to), then it will be printed and shipped directly to you.

*If you need to make this in more than 2 payments, please contact me and we can talk about this further. 


I will try to have your book completed within 6-8 weeks after I receive ALL of your letters/pictures and then I’ll send it off for printing.


Book prices are the same as listed under the "Pricing" tab.  If you live outside the Continental U.S. shipping will be extra. Ask for details.



If you have a missionary or missionary couple already home and you would like a book created for them all at once, here is the pricing:


You send me all their weekly letters, each weekly letter in a separate email with original letter date and pictures attached.  If you need to send more than one email for each week, just make sure to date them so I can keep them all straight.  I will then create a weekly entry with those emails and pictures.


*1 completed 24 month book is 2 payments of $240 (or $480 total). This is with no additional services.


*1 completed 18 month book is 2 payments of $180 (or $360 total). This is with no additional services.



~Photo editing: adds an additional $10 per month to the service

~Text editing: adds an additional $5 per month to the service

*Remember, this is my reading and editing all weekly emails and/or looking at and editing each individual photo, for all 18-24 months.

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