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Ready To Get Started?



Fill out whichever agreement form that is applicable to your situation (e.g. a missionary currently out or a missionary home already). After that, you can either send me an email to, or I will email you soon after and we can get started!


Agreement Forms

Current Missionary Form: click here

Post Missionary Form: click here

Then follow these steps:

1. Once a week you will email me your missionary's weekly email, or you'll start emailing me everything needed to catch up to:

Each email needs to include in the subject line, or in the original forwarded email heading that I can clearly see:

-Full name of missionary

-Date of email

-Title for the email/letter for that week (basically sums up the weekly email in one line).

An example for the subject line could be: "Elder Kaden Harbertson, 8/19/18, New Area, Learned More About Patience, I Love the People."


If you're missionary already includes a title in their original email, then just forward me their original emails, I can see their name, the date of the email, and their title already.

2. Photos: You may include up to 10 photos max per week (if you have less than 10 one week, that leaves you more for another week).  This is to help keep their 18 months to 2 years in one book.  Google Photos can also work, as long as I can easily see the pictures that go for each specific week.  For example, your missionary adding to the same Google Photos folder each week will not work.  I can't take the time to go figure out what pictures were from one week to another week.  They can, however, create a Google Photos folder for each week and send me the link. The only problem that can happen is that the missionary dumps every single photo from their camera into that Google Photo folder for the week...with several pictures that look almost the same.  If you don't want what looks like duplicate pictures in their book, talk to them about choosing the ones they really want, and deleting the rest, before uploading to Google Photos.  Most missionary's just attach their weekly photos to the weekly letter they belong with.


Don't get hung up on worrying about how many photos you send me each week.  Because if they really have that many, and love all those photos that they took, who wouldn't want 2 books in the end to hold it all if needed, right?! :) This would be a good problem to have!

3. You can send me any other information that you would like included in the book, anytime before we are ready to print.  For example, if you got a special email from the Mission President about your missionary and would like it in their book, send it to me (make sure you include your missionary's name and the date in subject line). 

If you would like to start your book with pictures of your missionary opening of their mission call, their temple day, farewell Sunday/open house day, setting apart pictures, airport/MTC drop off/goodbye pics, etc, send me those!  I can start your book at whatever time frame you'd like. Again, please include missionary's name, date, and title for the entry in the subject line.

4.  If you want specific photos labeled with a description, the best way to "label" photos is to add the description of all the photos at the end of the weekly email.  This makes the format of each page of the finished book look so much better instead of adding a specific caption to each photo.  For example, at the bottom of the weekly letter you would put descriptions of the 4 pictures in the email:



1. The Trio

2. Random pigeon during dinner on Sunday

3. The view of our apartment

4. A monument on a hill


5. After your missionary is home, and I've received all homecoming pictures, etc, then you get to pick all the final choices!  I will have you choose a few options for your final book (See Final Book Choices tab), send you some proofs and layouts for approval, and let you know the cost for printing/shipping, based on how much content is inside, how many copies you'd like, etc.  Once I receive payment, I'll have it printed, and it'll be shipped directly to you!

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